Voice and tone

Enabled 5 writers to write consistently

Reduced drop-off rates during event registration

Improved 565 pieces of content


Set up a content-first design process

Standard practices led to fewer inconsistencies

Reduced drop-off rate by 18%

Creating a unified guide for WILD’s social media outreach


Clarifying expected user actions through concise messaging

Reduced support tickets by explaining the consequence of actions

Help center

Offering centralized in-platform support for users

Reduced support tickets by 30%

Led content research and testing

Synced articles with product launches for immediate user education

Style guide adopted by 200+ people

Style guide

Maintaining consistency across 3 products at Quartz Network

Establishing a strategic content framework at Quartz Network

Audited 829 pieces of content

Content strategy

Enhanced company's UX maturity by 3x

Information architecture

Revamping user settings with simplified navigation

Reduced design to dev time by 2 weeks